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Friday 13 January 2012

French Candlemas - La Chandeleur - Crêpe Day

Pancake Day in France
2nd February
La chandeleur

‘Fête de la Chandeleur’

The nearest French equivalent to Pancake Day is the ‘Fête de la Chandeleur’, (Candlemas) known also as Fête de la Lumière, when it is traditional to eat ’ceêpes’ . Originally a religious festival dating back to Roman times, this day celebrated the presentation of Jesus, and marked the end of the Christmas season.
It falls 40 days after Christmas on the 2nd February, and has many proverbs and superstitions surrounding it.
Candlemas Traditions

One tradition was to light a candle in the church and carry it home without the flame going out. If you managed it, this meant that you would not pop your clogs in the coming year.
‘Celui qui la rapporte chez lui allumée. Pour sûr ne mourra pas dans l’année’

To ensure that the crop would be plentiful for the coming year, it was an absolute must to eat pancakes.
‘Si point ne veut de blé charbonneux Mange des crêpes à la Chandeleur’

If the elected tosser could flip a crêpe with one hand whilst holding a gold coin in the other, the family was assured of prosperity throughout the coming year.

Eating pancakes was also a way of using up eggs and butter before Lent, at a time before fridges and freezers allowed us to keep fresh food more or less indefinitely.

Finally.... time to talk about the weather.
Quand il pleut pour la Chandeleur, il pleut pendant quarante jours.
If it rains at Candlemas, it will continue to rain for 40 days

Quand la Chandeleur est claire, l’hiver est par derriere; Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte!
If February is clear, winter is behind us. If the Chandeleur is overcast, winter will last another forty days.

....or here’s another which tells us the opposite!

Soleil de la Chandeleur, annonce hiver et malheur
A sunny Candlemas will bring winter and misfortune

Hmmmm, a little bit contradictary, but it is from this day that the days start to grow longer, evenings slowly grow lighter, and our thoughts turn to springtime.

Bonne chandeleur

Bonne chandeleur

La chandeleur

L' épiphanie

Le terme "épiphanie" est issu du grec et signifie "apparition".Célébrée le 6 janvier, cette fête correspond à la présentation de Jésus enfant aux Rois Mages.
Ce jour est aussi celui du premier miracle des noces de Cana et avant tout la date de baptême du Christ.
Dès le Ve siècle, l'Eglise donna une importance considérable à cet événement. La galette des rois, servie à cette occasion, est une tradition typiquement française qui avait déjà cours au XIVe siècle. La galette était partagée en autant de portions que de convives, plus une. Cette portion supplémentaire, appelée "part du Bon Dieu" ou "part de la Vierge", était destinée au premier pauvre qui se présenterait.
Pendant des siècles les chrétiens d'Orient célébrèrent la Nativité le jour de l'Epiphanie.
Les Arméniens du Caucase le font encore aujourd'hui.
Au Ier siècle il fut déjà décidé de donner primauté à la naissance du Christ plutot qu'à l'Epiphanie.
Une chanson populaire raconte comment les Rois mages sont venus d'Afrique.
Pour l'Evangile, ils arrivèrent de l'Orient. Peut être viennent ils tout simplement du mystérieux pays d'où sont originaires les Saintes Maries de la Mer et qui porta longtemps le nom d'Egypte.
Longtemps, le 6 janvier (Epiphanie) fût plus important que le jour de Noël. Encore actuellement, en Espagne ce sont les Rois mages qui apportent les cadeaux à l'Epiphanie et non à Noel. Les Rois Mages sont bien plus importants dans le coeur des enfants espagnols que le Père Noel et le 6 janvier est l'occasion d'une grande fêtes et de défilés dans les rues espagnoles.

Venus d'Orient, trois rois se mirent en route en suivant la lumière de l'étoile qui les guida jusqu'à Bethléem.
Ils y trouvèrent l'enfant Jésus, qui appelèrent le " Nouveau Roi des Juifs ".
Quand ils le découvrirent dans l'étable, près de ses parents, Marie et Joseph, ils s'agenouillèrent devant lui en signe de respect et lui apportèrent de l'or, de la myrrhe et de l'encens.
L'origine des Rois mages est aujourd'hui encore obscure. On les dits savants, riches mais errants. Ces mystérieux personnages alimentèrent l'imaginaire qui enveloppe Noël.
Une chanson populaire raconte comment les Rois mages sont venus d'Afrique.
Pour l'Evangile, ils arrivèrent de l'Orient. Peut être viennent ils tout simplement du mystérieux pays d'où sont originaires les Saintes Maries de la Mer et qui porta longtemps le nom d'Egypte.
Longtemps, le 6 janvier (Epiphanie) fût plus important que le jour de Noël.
La symbolique des cadeaux en portait témoignage :

l'or de Melchior célébrait la royauté,l'encens de Balthazar la divinité
et la myrrhe de Gaspard annonçait la souffrance rédemptrice de l'homme à venir sous les traits de l'enfant.

Longtemps ce jour là, on célébra le miracle de Cana : de l'eau changée en vin.
Un rituel de quête terminait jadis la période des 12 jours de fêtes.
Les quêteurs recevaient souvent en guise de présent une part de galette.
  Qu'est ce que la myrrhe ?
La myrrhe est une résine odorante fournie par un arbre d'Arabie, le balsamier.
Longtemps ce jour là, on célébra le miracle de Cana : de l'eau changée en vin.
Un rituel de quête terminait jadis la période des 12 jours de fêtes.
Les quêteurs recevaient souvent en guise de présent une part de galette.

 Origine de la fève et de la galette
La fève dans la galette des rois remonte au temps des Romains. C'est une fève blanche ou noire qui était déposée pour les scrutins. Au début de janvier, les saturnales de Rome élisaient le roi du festin au moyen d'une fève. Si la tradition est d'origine religieuse, elle est devenue une tradition familiale où on se rassemble pour découper la fameuse galette. Celui qui trouvera la fève sera couronné roi ... et choisira sa reine.
En Angleterre, comme en Bourgogne, anciennement, on préférait former un couple "d'occasion" en mettant dans la galette une fève et un petit pois.
Dans de nombreux pays ou région du sud, la galette est remplacée par une couronne en brioche.

 La part du pauvre
La première part est toujours la "part du pauvre", la "part de Dieu et de la Vierge" et elle était désignée par le plus jeune enfant de la famille.
Il y avait aussi la part des absents - le fils aux armées, le parent sur un vaisseau du roi, le pêcheur qui n'était pas rentrés.
La part était rangée dans la huche jusqu'à leur retour, une façon tendre de dire "on a pensé à vous". S'il se gardait longtemps, sans s'émietter et sans moisir, c'était un bon présage.


Epiphany, (Koine Greek: ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation", "striking appearance") or Theophany, (Ancient Greek (ἡ) Θεοφάνεια, Τheophaneia) meaning "vision of God", which traditionally falls on 6 January, is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the Son as a human being in Jesus Christ. Western Christians commemorate principally (but not solely) the visitation of the Biblical Magi to the Baby Jesus, and thus Jesus' physical manifestation to the Gentiles. Eastern Christians commemorate thebaptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, seen as his manifestation to the world as the Son of God.

Eastern Churches following the Julian Calendar observe the Theophany feast on what for most countries is 19 January because of the 13-day difference today between that calendar and the generally used Gregorian calendar.

Since 1970, the date of the celebration by Latin Rite Roman Catholics is fixed as 6 January only in countries where the feast is a Holy Day of Obligation, while in other countries it falls on the Sunday after 1 January. In the Church of England also, the feast may be celebrated on the Sunday between 2 January and 8 January.

A separate celebration of the Baptism of the Lord was introduced for Latin Rite Roman Catholics in 1955. Initially, this was to be held on 13 January, previously the octave day of the Epiphany, but in the 1969 revision of the General Roman Calendar the date was changed to the first Sunday after 6 January. In countries where on a particular year the Epiphany falls on 7 or 8 January, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the following Monday. In the Church of England the same custom may be followed. In theEpiscopal Church in the United States the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is always the Sunday after 6 January.

Alternative names for the feast include (τα) Θεοφάνια, Theophany as neuter plural rather than feminine singular, η Ημέρα των Φώτων, i Imera ton Foton (modern Greek pronunciation), hē hēmera tōn phōtōn (restored classic pronunciation), "The Day of the Lights", and τα Φώτα, ta Fota, "The Lights".

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Wednesday 11 January 2012


Nero Caesar Emperor

Nero (Latin: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; 15 December 37 – 9 June 68), was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68, and the last in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Nero was adopted by his great-uncle Claudius to become his heir and successor, and succeeded to the throne in 54 following Claudius' death. During his reign, Nero focused much of his attention on diplomacy, trade, and enhancing the cultural life of the Empire. He ordered theaters built and promoted athletic games. During his reign, the redoubtable general Corbulo conducted a successful war and negotiated peace with theParthian Empire. His general Suetonius Paulinus crushed a revolt in Britain and also annexed the Bosporan Kingdom to the Empire, beginning the First Roman–Jewish War.

In 64, most of Rome was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome, which many Romans believed Nero himself had started in order to clear land for his planned palatial complex, the Domus Aurea. In 68, the rebellion of Vindex in Gaul and later the acclamation ofGalba in Hispania drove Nero from the throne. Facing assassination, he committed suicide on 9 June 68. His death ended the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, sparking a brief period of civil wars known as the Year of the Four Emperors. Nero's rule is often associated with tyranny and extravagance. He is known for many executions, including those of his mother and the probable murder by poison of his stepbrother, Britannicus.

He is infamously known as the Emperor who "fiddled while Rome burned", although this is now considered an inaccurate rumor, and as an early persecutor of Christians. He was known for having captured Christians burned in his garden at night for a source of light. This view is based on the writings of Tacitus, Suetonius, and Cassius Dio, the main surviving sources for Nero's reign. Few surviving sources paint Nero in a favorable light. Some sources, though, including some mentioned above, portray him as an emperor who was popular with the common Roman people, especially in the East.The study of Nero is problematic as some modern historians question the reliability of ancient sources when reporting on Nero's tyrannical acts.


Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, the future Nero, was born on 15 December 37 inAntium, near Rome. He was the only son of Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus andAgrippina the Younger, sister of Emperor Caligula.
Nero's father Gnaeus was the son of Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (consul 16 BC) andAntonia Major. Gnaeus was thus the grandson of Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus(consul 32 BC) and probably Aemilia Lepida on his father's side, and the grandson ofMark Antony and Octavia Minor on his mother's side. Thus, Nero had as his paternal grandmother Antonia Maior, and also claimed more remote descent from Antonia Minoras a great-grandson—later grandson after Claudius adopted him. Through Octavia, Nero was the grandnephew of Caesar Augustus. Nero's father had been employed as apraetor and was a member of Caligula's staff when the latter traveled to the East (some apparently think Suetonius refers to Augustus' adopted son Gaius Caesar here, but this is not likely). Nero's father was described by Suetonius as a murderer and a cheat who was charged by Emperor Tiberius with treason, adultery, and incest. Tiberius died, allowing him to escape these charges. Nero's father died of edema ("dropsy") in 39 when Nero was two.
Nero's mother was Agrippina the Younger, a great-granddaughter of Caesar Augustus and his wife Scribonia through their daughterJulia the Elder and her husband Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa. Agrippina's father, Germanicus, was a grandson of Augustus's wife, Livia, on one side and to Mark Antony and Octavia on the other. Germanicus' mother Antonia Minor, was a daughter of Octavia Minor and Mark Antony. Octavia was Augustus' elder sister. Germanicus was also the adopted son of Tiberius. Agrippina poisoned her second husband Passienus Crispus, so many ancient historians also accuse her of murdering her third husband, the emperor Claudius.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Fairytale (Alexander Rybak)

Fairytale (English Ver.)

Years ago, when I was younger
I kind of liked, a girl I knew
She was mine and we were sweethearts
That was then but then it's true


I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed

Every day we started fighting
Every night we fell in love
No one else could make me sadder
But no one else could lift me high above

I don't know what I was doing
Suddenly we fell apart
Nowadays I cannot find her
But when I do we'll get a brand new start


I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed

She's a fairytale, yeah
Even though it hurts
cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed

Fairytale  (french Ver.)

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

The ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint for realising the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015 was adopted and signed by the ASEAN Leaders in November 2007 in Singapore during their annual Summit Meeting.
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is one of the three pillars to achieve a cohesive ASEAN Community. The other two are political / security and social cultural pillars.
AEC Blueprint is a single comprehensive document which identifies the characteristics and elements of the AEC with clear implementation targets and timelines for the various economic integration measures within ASEAN. The main objectives of AEC are to create a:
  1. single market and production base;
  2. highly competitive economic region;
  3. region of equitable economic development;and
  4. region fully integrated into the global economy.
  1. Single Market and Production Base
The five (5) core elements of ASEAN single market and production base are:
  1. free flow of goods;
  2. free flow of services;
  3. free flow of investment;
  4. freer flow of capital;and
  5. free flow of skilled labour.
On trade in goods, import duties on all products except for those listed under the Sensitive and Highly Sensitive List (unprocessed agriculture products) are to be eliminated by 2010 for ASEAN-6 and 2015 for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.
As of September 2007, Malaysia 's tariff lines ( AHTN 2002 ) totalled 12,581. Of these:
  • 10,135 tariff lines at 0%;
  • duty on 2,291 tariff lines (currently at 5%) will be eliminated by 1 January 2010;
  • duty on 66 sensitive and highly sensitive tariff lines (tobacco, tropical fruits and rice) will be reduced to 5% in 2010 , except rice at 20%; and
  • 89 tariff lines on alcoholic beverages and weapons are excluded from tariff liberalisation under the CEPT Scheme.
For trade in services, liberalisation will be achieved through five (5) more rounds of negotiations, where all restrictions on trade in services on the 128 sub-sectors (based on WTO GATS W/120 classification) are to be removed progressively. The minimum number of new sub-sectors in addition to those offered under earlier packages to be scheduled for each round of services negotiations:
No. of new sub-sectors
In addition to liberalisation of equity participation, services liberalisation also involves substantial elimination of Market Access limitations and restrictions on National Treatment. The liberalisation of services sector is subject to flexibility. A flexibility of 15 per cent covers all services sector including those under the Priority Integration Sectors, except for financial services, air transport services, and services incidental to 5 sectors under ASEAN Investment Area.
The final quantum of flexibility is subject to review upon completion of the inventory of impediments/limitations to trade in services in August 2008. This inventory is required to guide the subsequent rounds of services liberalisation under AFAS.
MITI is also working with various Ministries/ agencies in compiling a database of barriers to trade in services.
The Framework Agreement on the ASEAN Investment Area is currently under review to make ASEAN more attractive for high-quality FDI . The new Agreement will:
  • incorporate additional provisions and obligations with improved features to be incorporated;
  • be more comprehensive , and facilitate ASEAN in negotiating FTAs with Dialogue Partners;
  • merge elements of AIA and ASEAN IGA and strengthen investor protection provisions;
  • benefit ASEAN investors and companies and foreign-owned ASEAN-based companies; and
  • provide better facilitation measures to be considered to promote intra-ASEAN investment.
The proposed elements of the comprehensive investment agreement would cover articles on the following pillars:
  • liberalisation;
  • promotion and awareness;
  • facilitation and cooperation; and
  • investment protection.
  1. Highly Competitive Economic Region
In creating a competitive region, ASEAN will also work to enhance cooperation in new areas for instance competition policy, consumer protection, intellectual property rights, infrastructure development, taxation and e-commerce.
Region of Equitable Economic Development
The AEC also outlines the strategic work plan for equitable economic development region through:
  1. enhancing and strengthening SME competitiveness; and
  2. narrowing development gap within ASEAN.
The strengthening of ASEAN SMEs will be based on the ASEAN Policy Blueprint for SME Development (APBSD) 2004-2014. The Blueprint outlines the framework for SME development in the ASEAN region. It comprises strategic work programmes, policy measures and indicative outputs.
To narrow the development gap, the Initiative for ASEAN Integration will serve as the platform for identifying and implementing technical assistance and capacity building programmes for both public and private sectors in ASEAN Member Countries, in particular, CLMV and the other sub-regions such as the IMT-GT and the BIMP-EAGA within ASEAN. This is to allow them to be equal partners in the development of regional production and distribution networks.
Region Fully Integrated Into Global Economy
The objective of AEC is also to make ASEAN a more dynamic region to compete in the global supply chain and to remain an attractive base for foreign direct investment . In this respect, ASEAN will work towards maintaining “ ASEAN Centrality ” in its external economic relations, especially in its negotiations for free trade areas (FTAs) and comprehensive economic partnership (CEPs) agreements.