French Grammar
Future tense
The last tense I will mention in the indicative mood is the future tense. Like in English there is one specific tense to describe actions happening in the future but also other ways of expressing this tense.
Let’s start with the formation of the future tense:
Most of the time we keep the infinitive intact with its ending and add the following endings: -AI, -AS,-A, -ONS, -EZ, -ONT.
Chanter | Finir | Rendre |
Je chanter -AI | finir -AI | rendr -AI |
Tu chanter -AS | finir -AS | rendr -AS |
Il chanter -A | finir -A | rendr -A |
Nous chanter -ONS | finir -ONS | rendr -ONS |
Vous chanter -EZ | finir -EZ | rendr -EZ |
Ils chanter -ONT | finir -ONT | rendr -ONT |
We have to be aware of the irregular verbs and how their stems are affected. So here we go again for some more memorizing work:
Avoir | Etre | Aller | Faire |
J’aurai | Je serai | J’irai | Je ferai |
Tu auras | Tu seras | Tu iras | Tu feras |
Il aura | Il sera | Il ira | Il fera |
Nous aurons | Nous serons | Nous irons | Nous ferons |
Vous aurez | Vous serez | Vous irez | Vous ferez |
Ils auront | Ils seront | Ils iront | Ils feront |
You are leaving tomorrow morning for a week-end in Paris. Use the future tense and explain your plans.
Note the following verbs:
- Verbs ending in –CER and –GER These verbs don’t present any problems as they had in the present.
- Verbs with double consonants or changes of accentuationDo you remember them? Appeler, jeter, acheter, peser
Appeler Jeter Acheter J’appeller -AI jetter -AI achèter -AI Tu appeller -AS jetter -AS achèter -AS Il appeller -A jetter -AS achèter -A Nous appeller -ONS jetter -ONS achèter -ONS Vous appeller -EZ jetter -EZ achèter -EZ Ils appeller -ONT jetter -ONT achèter -ONT
- Verbs with –Ayer, -Oyer or –Uyer endings Nettoyer, essuyer for example loose the “Y” of the stem for an “I”.
Nettoyer |
Je nettoierai |
tu nettoieras |
il nettoiera |
Nous nettoierons |
vous nettoierez |
ils nettoieront |
Essuyer |
J’essuierai |
tu essuieras |
il essuiera |
Nous essuierons |
vous essuierez |
ils essuieront |
The exception is envoyer (to send) which changes its stem :
Envoyer (to send) |
J’enverrai |
tu enverras |
il enverra |
Nous enverrons |
vous enverrez |
ils enverront |
So you don’t have the form "envoierai" but the new stem “enverr”+ ending.
Note that for the verbs ending in –Ayer we can keep both stems :
Payer (to pay) |
Je payerai/paierai |
Tu payeras/paieras |
Il payera/paiera |
Nous payerons/paierons |
Vous payerez/paierez |
Ils payeront/paieront |
Other exceptions
Irregular verbs with –RE infinitive ending. They form their future like the regular verbs but you must remove the –E at the end:
Boire |
Je boir -AI |
Tu boir -AS |
Il boir -A |
Nous boir -ONS |
Vous boir -EZ |
Ils boir -ONT |
Irregular verbs ending in –IR
For example: Courir, mourir.
Courir |
Je courr -AI |
Tu courr -AS |
Il courr -A |
Nous courr -ONS |
Vous courr -EZ |
Ils courr -ONT |
Be careful that in this tense you need to double the R of the stem when in the imperfect we only have one R.
The first person of the singular in both tenses sounds alike : Je courais, tu courais, il courait, nous courions, vous couriez, ils couraient.
Note also that some have a change of stem:
Venir | Tenir |
Je viendr -AI | tiendr -AI |
Tu viendr -AS | tiendr -AS |
Il viendr -A | tiendr -A |
Nous viendr -ONS | tiendr -ONS |
Vous viendr -EZ | tiendr -EZ |
Ils viendr -ONT | tiendr -ONT |
The use of the future tense
As in English it is used to describe what will happen. However unlike in English it is used to describe actions which have not happened with conjunctions such as when, while, as soon as. For example:
- As soon as he arrives, give him a cup of tea
- Aussitôt qu’il arrivera donne-lui une tasse de thé
- I’ll go back to France when my brother starts university
- Je retournerai en France quand il commencera l’université
- While we are in Paris, we’ll visit the Eiffel tower
- Pendant que nous serons à Paris, nous visiterons la tour d’Eiffel.
Here is a list of some of the expressions which call for the future tense:
- Quand – When
- Lorsque – When
- Aussitôt que - As soon as
- Une fois que - Once + clause
Future immediate
Note that if you wish to mention an action which will soon happen or which is more likely to take place you can use the verb “aller” followed by the infinitive of the other verb.
It is very similar to English:
Je vais téléphoner à mon frère Tu vas répondre au téléphone Il va prendre un taxi Nous allons partir en vacances Vous allez regarder le film ce soir Ils vont chanter au théâtre
It gives the actions a sense of predictability.
- I’m going to call my brother
- we are going to go on holiday
- you are going to answer the phone etc.
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